10:00 AMWelcome/Opening Remarks - Noreen Goodson
Intro of Keynote Speaker - Linda Crichlow White

Keynote Address - Rohulamin Quander
The Historic African American Quander Family


Session 1: 11:00AM - 11:45AM (Concurrent Sessions)
ClassPresenterClass Description
1-1Chiquita Clark SorrelsIntroduction to Researching Your Family History
1-2Bernice Alexander BennettThe Black Homesteaders


Session 2: 12:00 Noon - 12:45PM (Concurrent Sessions)
ClassPresenterClass Description
2-1Claire CluskensThe 1950 Census
2-2Linda Crichlow WhiteWhat's Your Story?


Session 3: 1:00PM - 1:45PM (Concurrent Sessions)
ClassPresenterClass Description
3-1LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, Melvin J. Collier and Leslie AndersonSharing What You Know: Panel Discussion
3-2Dr. Ida E. Jones and Taneya Y. Koonce, MSLS, MPH"Black Health and Wellness" 2022 Black History Theme
Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH)


2:00PM - Closing Remarks - Jeanette Madison