
9:30AM - 4:30PM
7:00PM - 9:30PM
9:30AM - 1:00PM
9:30AM - 4:30PM


Generations is an electronic newsletter published monthly by staff of the FHC. To subscribe, please send an email to info@wdcfhc.org

Research Specialists

Our Research Specialists have expertise in a variety of areas.
Most of them do not work at the Family History Center and should be contacted in order to obtain their assistance.
NameAreas of ExpertiseContact method
Maxine A'HearnEngland, Wales, Ireland, Germany and general US.mca2mfa@verizon.net
Jim BartlettDNA Researchjim4bartletts@verizon.net
Bernice BennettAfrican-Americanbernicebennett@genieboots.com
Joan DrakeLower Hudson River Valley & Long Island Historyjoanwdrake@aol.com
Mary Ann EvanPoland, Lithuania, Eastern European countries.evanpolgen@rcn.com
Shirley HeintzelmanPennsylvaniasheintzelman@yahoo.com
Raclare KanalSpain, Mexican states of Guerrero and SonoraLeave message at the FHC
Larry KrupnakEastern Europe (Belarus, Czech Republic,, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine)FHC Saturday mornings; leave message at FHC
Alfred LuceNorthern Irelandalfred.luce@verizon.net
Tanya NeiderFamily Search, online photo books, genealogy charts, family reunion, descendancy research.Leave message at FHC
Carol PetranekGreece, Czech Republicinfo@wdcfhc.org
Matthew RzeczkowskiPoland, Western Ukraine, Latinrzeczop@yahoo.com
Ilene SheltonSouth Idaho, Utahitshelton@verizon.net
Cheryl SinghalSouthern Louisiana, Virginia, West Virginia, French researchcsinghal@capaccess.org or Thursday mornings at the FHC
Vern SkinnerGermany, France, Maryland (Eastern Shore).Leave message at the FHC
Janet TennantVirginia, Scotland240-552-4693
Margo WilliamsAfrican-American, Native Americanmargolw@gmail.com
Martha WolfeVirginia, West Virginia, New York Dutch, Swedencantaphil@olg.com