CLOSED: At the present time, our FHC is closed until further notice. Please keep checking this website for news and updates.
We have been asked if it is possible to access records that are viewable only at FHCs or affiliate libraries (the records with the key icon). Unfortunately, that is not possible. No one has access to these records outside a FHC.
Special Interest Groups
Our groups cannot meet in person. Please contact SIG leaders to receive an invitation to join a Zoom the meeting at the day and time indicated, or for updates on the group.
African-American: Meets weekly on Monday mornings at 10:00. Contact Frank Jenkins at
Beginning Genealogy: Meets weekly on Tuesday mornings at 10:30. Contact Lorraine Minor at
Beginning DNA: Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday night at 7:00. Contact: Andy Hochreiter at
Advanced DNA: Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday night at 7:00. Contact: Jim Bartlett at
Eastern European Group: Meetings are the 3rd Saturday at 1:00.
Contact Mary Ann Evan at
Irish Group: Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday night at 7:00. Contact Cindy Finelli at
RootsMagic Users Group: Meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Contact Gary Petranek at