The reopening of our FHC has been postponed due to installation of a new ceiling and new carpeting. Please check our website in the coming weeks for further details on a reopen date.
The Family History Library in Salt Lake City has initiated a new “LookUp Service” which will help patrons who have been waiting to access the Portal. After Covid restrictions are lifted, this service will remain as a permanent feature of the Library.
The press release states:
“Due to COVID-19 conditions, visiting one of these facilities to look at materials has not been possible. To offset pandemic restrictions and as part of an effort to serve a global audience living too far away to visit the library, the Family History Library has launched its own lookup service.
Upon request, staff and volunteers at the library will look up specific records in their collections that cannot be viewed online. Since Library Lookup is not a research service, people will need to identify the specific record from that they need to see.
To use the Lookup service, visit the online request form to request a copy of the image of the original document. ”
To read the full press release, click here.